Monitoring REST API / Getting started



Please ensure that you have private AppBeat API Access Key (Secret Access Key):

Base API endpoints & Authorization

When sending API requests, please send your AppBeat Secret Access Key via HTTP Authorization header in following format:

Content-Type and Payload Encoding

When posting JSON data (payload) to AppBeat server please make sure that:


URL (relative to base endpoint) Type JSON request payload (only for POST method types) Description
status GET Returns live system status with all services and checks. Should return same information as displayed in web application / "Live status".
list?resource=checks GET Returns all checks (including resource identifiers).
list?resource=services GET Returns all services (including resource identifiers).
GET Returns all checks for specific service (including resource identifiers).
pause POST
Pause one or more check(s) or service(s) identified by resource id(s).
resume POST
Resume one or more check(s) or service(s) identified by resource id(s).
delete POST
Delete one or more check(s) or service(s) identified by resource id(s).
new-check POST
   "Name":"My Check Name",
   "Description":"Check created with AppBeat REST API",
   "ConsecutiveFailedChecksNotificationThreshold": 0,
   "ResendNotificationOnFailure": 0,
      "HTTP_VER_POLICY": "RequestVersionOrLower",
      "HTTP_TLS_10": "0",
      "HTTP_TLS_11": "1",
      "HTTP_TLS_12": "1",
      "HTTP_TLS_13": "1"

Creates new periodic web check. Please contact us for other check types (Ping, IMAP, POP3, ...) so we can provide you required parameter names.

ConsecutiveFailedChecksNotificationThreshold: Send notification only when there are at least N consecutive failed checks. Must be a number between 0 and 255.

ResendNotificationOnFailure: Resend notification every N continuous fails. Must be a number between 0 and 255.

update-check POST
   "Name":"My Check Name",
   "Description":"Check updated with AppBeat REST API",
   "ConsecutiveFailedChecksNotificationThreshold": 0,
   "ResendNotificationOnFailure": 0,
      "HTTP_VER_POLICY": "RequestVersionOrLower",
      "HTTP_TLS_10": "0",
      "HTTP_TLS_11": "1",
      "HTTP_TLS_12": "1",
      "HTTP_TLS_13": "1"

Updates existing check. You must populate all fields like when calling new-check, only difference is that you must also add "Id" field.

check-details?id=YOUR_CHECK_ID GET Returns check details for given id.
new-service POST
   "Name":"My Service Name",
   "Description":"Optional service description"

Creates new service which can be associated with new checks.

dismiss-service-alert POST
Dismisses service alerts (by provided service resource ids) which are displayed on AppBeat GUI.
dismiss-all-service-alerts POST
Dismisses all service alerts which are displayed on AppBeat GUI.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any questions or issues please let us know. You can contact us here.